All Seasons Laundry

About the Business:

Laundromat in Grafton, ND.

CHI Friendship purchased Cyril’s Laundry in 2005 to provide employment opportunities for the people we support. Renamed “All Seasons Laundry,” the business has since become a well-known presence in Grafton, Park River, and surrounding communities. CHI Friendship supports 20 people working at All Seasons Laundry who provide commercial laundry services for many customers throughout the Red River Valley, including five hospitals and nursing homes who rely on All Seasons Laundry 365 days a year.

Do you have linens you would like washed or shirts that need pressing and starching? Let All Seasons Laundry do the work for you. 


530 Stephen Ave
Grafton, ND 58237


(701) 352-0710


All Seasons Laundry

Business Hours:

8:00am – 5:00pm M-F