Byrdie’s Gift Shop & Lounge

About the Business:

A place you can shop for yourself or anyone else on your list. Indulge in a tasteful selection of gifts, home decor, or seasonal items. Bringing excitement to the heart of downtown Grafton, North Dakota. On Thursday evenings, join us in the Byrdie’s Lounge to enjoy a high-end cocktail experience.

What’s in the name?

I’m often asked about the name of my gift shop, Byrdie’s. The origin of the name and building actually go back more than 100 years ago. The building was built in the 1920’s, and I have nods to this era through the colors and prints of Art Deco design. The name Byrdie is a nickname for me, Roberta, but also an honor to my Great Aunt Byrdie Staven. Byrdie would have been well over 100 years old today. She and her husband, Lloyd, were business owners in my hometown of Park River, ND. Although they did not have children of their own, Byrdie was always loving and generous to her several nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews. My memories of her were of a sophisticated, well-dressed lady in high heels and lots of glamorous jewelry. She always had a purse opened to hand out quarters or dollars to young children that approached her. In a nutshell, she was classy and fun! You could always be sure if there was a piano nearby, she’d be asked to play her favorite ragtime song, “I’m Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover”. I hope Byrdie would be tickled by this adventure!


500 Hill Ave

Grafton, ND 58237


(701) 520-9098


Byrdie’s Gift Shop (

Gift Shop Hours:

10:00am-5:00 pm, T, W, TH, F

10:00am-2:00pm Saturdays

Lounge Hours:

8:00pm – 11:00pm Thursdays